Google Updates (update)

Google Chrome has updated to Chrome 29
Since Chrome has updated, a new home and app launcher have become available for anyone with the public download of chrome. I've been using the developer edition, and it runs most of the latest software. Soon, I'll share more about how Chrome for Windows has changed quite a bit, working as if Chrome OS was running alongside Windows. Next, here is the new chrome home page. We should probably dive in, and if you'd like to download the developer editions, click here.
Lets begin!
The new Google Search
This new logo was rumored to be taking the old logo down, but as Google announced, this would be a flatter-edition of their popular logo live on their website. Chrome and other parts of Google will use the logo but the site still might keep the shadows for a while more.

The new app launcher is only available for anyone with downloadable content for the desktop. Here, (left) is the launcher as shown on Chrome's app site. You can read about the launcher here, and there is a growing community of developers that almost allow the new program to use its apps almost native to an operating system. It has been released on Mac OS X and Windows, and should soon be released to the public on Ubuntu and Chrome OS. For now, the story develops and only about a handful of apps support the new system.
