iOS 10 Jailbreak from Pangu Demoed at MOSEC

The One More Thing announcement.
During the MOSEC iOS security conference Pangu, a well-known and trusted jailbreak developing team, has demoed an iOS 10 untethered jailbreak. Rumors surrounding an upcoming iOS 9.3.2 release later this week is growing, and most likely will arrive right after iOS 9.3.3 is released. Because there is little to report on surrounding these photos, and the lack of any source besides them, we caution everyone to not expect too much from Pangu as far as realeases, as an iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak has not been presented and iOS 9.3.3 is right around the corner.

Cydia is present on a jailbroken iOS 10 Developer Beta 1 
The package manager within Cydia functions on iOS 10
iExplorer is able to detect the device as jailbroken

Once again displaying that Cydia is present in iOS 10
